
  • Please ensure you have read our Covid -19 Back to Ballet Guidelines
  • If you are unwell or unsure if you or your family members symptoms could be related to coronavirus please contact 111 for advice before the leaving the house
  • Please inform The Amy Hackett School of Dance if the student or any member of the household needs to isolate due to suspected or confirmed Covid-19.
  • Contact 119 to arrange a test and please ensure you follow the up to date government guidance regarding required isolation/quarantine durations.
  • Please provide the schools contact details to test, trace, protect if required, we are happy for our details to be shared. Amy Williams – 078906756897 –
  • If someone tests positive for Covid and has attended class in the last 48 hours since symptoms started / positive test– test and trace will be notified and this bubble may need to isolate depending on the success of 2m distancing carried out in class. If a child is isolating due to someone (who doesn’t attend classes at the AHSofDance) from their school bubble testing positive – This is a secondary contact and so the dance class does not seed to isolate.


  • Payment is made in blocks generally12 weeks to coincide with school terms. One full term payment can be made, or two half term payments.
  • No refunds for classes missed by the student.
  • Payment should be made within 14 days of receiving the invoice.
  • Child will not be able to attend classes the following term unless invoice is settled. Continuous outstanding payment will result in permanent loss of place within the class.
  • Notice of termination of classes must be given in advance of new term to avoid being billed for that term.


  • Photos may be taken of your child in class to be of use in online marketing such a Facebook or our website.
  • Our new registration forms feature a positive opt in box to tick and sign if you are in agreement with photos of your child being used for such purposes.


Child Protection

  • All teachers at the school are required to have an up to date DBS (Disclosure and Barring service) certificate in order to comply with the Protection of Children Act 1999.
  • Students are the responsibility of the teacher during class times whilst in the studio or hall only.

  • The School adopts a ‘hands on policy’ when it comes the active learning of our students, with the methods of physical contact being age appropriate. For example, hand holding may be necessary in a nursery class, while touch to highlight the alignment of an arm or correct muscle to be used may be beneficial to an older student.
  • Please speak to your class teacher if such elements of physical contact are not appropriate for your child.
  • Parents or mature students must inform teachers medical conditions regarding physical or mental health prior to enrollment,and should retain an open dialogue with the school should this change or develop.

  • Parents or mature students must inform teachers of any illness or injury prior to class.


General Data Protection Agency 2018 to replace the DPA (Date Protection Act 1998)

What information do we hold and why?

  • The Amy Hackett School of Dance takes details from the student and parent at time of registration
  • Childs date of birth is taken to identify the correct class for the student.
  • Parent/Carer email address and phone number is taken for necessary correspondence.
  • We ask to be notified of any medical conditions to ensure there is nothing in our general class practice that would physically or mentally put your child at risk.
  • At the time of a show we also collect your address, post code and your child's school, in order for the relevant councils to certify we are following the correct rules with regards to The children and Young Person Acts 1933 & 1963 and The Children (Performance and Activities) (England) Regulations 2014.

Who can access this Data?

  • The information is kept and stored by The Amy Hackett School of Dance's Data Protection Officer (School Principle Amy Williams) in an encrypted personal database accessible only by the officer.
  • Any paper forms in use are stored in locked filing cabinet inside a locked building.
  • Any third parties contracted by The Amy Hackett School of Dance are under a strict data protection agreement. The Amy Hackett School of Dance will not publish or share your confidential data with any other third parties than mentioned herein.

  • Pupils name and date of birth are forwarded onto the RAD (Royal Academy of Dance) or ISTD (Imperial Society of Teachers' of Dancing) for use when entering candidates in examinations.At the time or a show the relevant information is passed onto the County council.

If I leave the school what happens to my data?

  • When a pupil leaves the school The Data Protection officer will delete the student/carer’s details from the database and shred any relevant paperwork.
  • In line with the GDPR giving all students, parents and Carers the “The Right to be Forgotten,” If you require your information to be erased from the RAD or Councils files, please inform the School and the Data Protection Officer will ensure that this is processed within the allotted time frame (3 months).